Welcome to the Home Page for VICI

Vici aims to make the UNIX command line programs easily available to the users of Linux GUI desktop environments.

A flow chart can be built with commands and their parameters. This can then be saved as a script which can be installed into the user's desktop as an application.

The script supports all Linux commands, pipelines, file redirection, variables, functions, and multiple threads of control.

It should be noted, however, that VICI does not provide an interactive interface, (a.k.a. shell) for executing commands. However it has a debugging interface so that the effects of a command can be quickly determined.

You can get the latest version from the VICI SourceForge site, Download vici.

VICI now appears to do what it was advertised to do. However it is a large and complex program so it might have a few bugs. The usual caveats apply: The program is provided in the hope that it will be useful but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

VICI has been tested on Scientific Linux 7.3 with a Gnome classic desktop. Please let us know how it performs on other platforms. Eventually we will have a variety of test environments set up, but the focus currently is programming the functionality.

Screen Shots

The two main user interface elements of VICI are the Chart Editor where the scripts are drawn and the VICI run time program that executes the script.

Chart Editor

VICI Run Time