The Developer's Documentation for VICI

On this page: Development Documents, Design Documents, Design Diagrams, VICI API

This section provides links to the development documentation. In an ideal world this page and the linked files would be on the SourceForge site, but they do not provide a way to have browsable access to PDF and SVG files, so they are hosted here, but mostly so they can be referenced from the SourceForge wiki.

For a more detailed description of the development process please refer to the Wiki on SourceForge.

Development Documents

Design Documents

Design Diagrams

It is often difficult to see all the detail in diagrams that have been included into a PDF document. Some of the more interesting diagrams are reproduced here so that you can zoom into the detail. In addition some of the collaboration diagrams have been animated to so you can see the flow of events more easily.

Module Diagrams
logical-admin logical-editor logical-run
Class Diagrams
vici-adm libcanvas libcommand libebnf libifstubs
libsearch libsymbol libsyntax testing
Interpreter Class Diagrams
control static command events threads
Collaboration Diagrams
ebnf parse ebnf validate


The API is not intended for other applications, but rather it is the specification of the internal interfaces within VICI, between the various modules.

The API is available as a PDF or as a set of web pages. They are also available on the SourceForge site where the web pages are zipped into a single file.